Bank Services & ATMs on Achill Island

ATM (Cash Machine)

Please be aware that there is only one ATM (cash machine) on Achill Island.  This is located in Achill Sound beside the bridge on the wall of Sweeneys Drapery store.

Achill Island Credit Union

Achill Island Credit Union is located in Achill Sound and is open every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Tuesday: 10.30 -12.30

Wednesday: 10.00 -12.00

Thursday: 10.00 -13.00

Friday: 10.00 - 13.30

Achill Sound,
Achill Island.
098 45959
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Achill Island Mobile Bank (Ulster Bank)

Ulster Bank provides a mobile banking service on Achill Island every Tuesday and Friday.

Tuesday: Achill Sound 2.45pm-3.30pm

Friday: Achill Sound 12.45pm-3.00pm

Listen to a 2007 RTE interview with Jim Foody, driver and Anne McKnight, teller, who take the Ulster Bank Mobile Bank around Achill Island twice a week.Click here

Achill Island Mobile Bank (AIB)

Allied Irish Bank provides a mobile banking service on Achill Island every Monday and Wednesday.

Monday: Keel 10.45am-12.00pm, Achill Sound 12.30pm-1.15pm

Wednesday: Keel 10.45am-12.00pm, Achill Sound 1.30pm-3.00pm
